Justin Works - Student athlete and UCA Cheerleader January 29, 2015As a student athlete I'm always on the go and RIPLACES make my life so much easier!! I'm a cheerleader at UCA as well as a full time student. On...
Laurie Lynch, Collegiate Cheerleader Divsion 1 Champion January 29, 2015Riplaces are the best things ever invented. I am a cheerleader at the University of Central Arkansas so I am constantly putting my shoes on for practice. Putting Riplaces on my cheer...
Nathan Holland, Ultra runner January 23, 2015I use Riplaces to train for trail ultra-marathons. I have a lot of shoes I swap between, many quasi barefooters. When deciding what shoe, I mostly end up grabbing my...
Anthony WIdener - Director of Trinity Fitness January 23, 2015I wear them to work everyday and train in them. Always ready. Great customer service :)
Susan Wallis - Ironman Triathlon Competitor January 23, 2015RIPLACES are awesome and fun! I have used other styles of speed laces for many years and like the quickness of putting on my running shoes when transitioning from the...
Katie Smith - novice runner with particular shoe fit needs January 23, 2015I bought my Riplaces at the Best Damn Race in Jacksonville and I am totally in love with them! I'm new to running and I've been iffy about the shoes...